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Pumped up kicks by Foster the people censored by MTV

Despite the happy dance melody of the song, the lyrics talk about teenage isolation and violence...
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Many were surprised by the decision by MTV to erase some words from FTP of "Pumped up kicks". Despite the happy dance melody of the song, the lyrics talk about teenage isolation and violence.

A particular child finds a gun in the closet and intends to use it to avenge the children with "good" shoes.

Singer Mark Foster said he was worried about the success of this song that has this contradiction in the melody and words. Asked about the dark lyrics that he writes he replied that that is life. It has its bright and dark side. He commented that MTV has shows with domestic violence or teen pregnancy and has no problem with similar hip hop and rock songs, it fears that this
indie song will affect people, because it has happy music.

See the second single from the album, "Helena Beat".

The band was on tour last year and they look forward to resting in Los Angeles before starting to record the next album. They have several songs that were written during the Tour.

(Source: Rolling Stone)

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