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U2 hit tour

According to Forbes magazine U2 is the most profitable group for the year.

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U2's 360° tour brought them to the top Forbes magazine list with the most profitable bands. Specifically, in the past 12 months the band has put in the pot 130 million dollars.

After them are AC/DC, Beyoncé, Bruce Springsteen and Britney Spears.

According to the magazine, the total revenue was generated from ticket sales, record sales and investments held from June 2009 til June 2010. As expected, the largest proportion of revenue was generated by the concerts and not from record sales, which shows a marked indifference to the unrestrained pirates.

As for U2, the latest news says that Bono has recovered and is ready for the premiere of European concerts with the first station in Turin on August 6. Finally, the concerts that were canceled in America are rescheduled for 2011.

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