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Google will create their own iTunes

As we read in Reuters, Google have taken action towards creating their own "iTunes" and already are in discussions with several record companies.
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As we read in Reuters, Google have taken action towards creating their own "iTunes" and are already in discussions with several labels.

As you already know, record companies admit it, Apple and iTunes have given greatly to the spread of digital music and increasing sales of digital tracks. For those who do not know, iTunes is a huge music library from which you can buy albums, singles, and individual songs. Buying is a simple, as in subscribing in iTunes one states credit card information.

Primarily, the holders of mobile iPhone, iPod or iPad, that is several million people worldwide, use iTunes largely. Moreover, through this they connect to the iPhone. Currently, iTunes has somehow monopolized the market, as the Amazon has only 12% share of the market.

So, the people of the record labels have greeted with enthusiasm this prospect of Google creating a new "iTunes". Moreover, apart from their  expertise, Google now have a huge wealth of music in YouTube, in her property.

At present, there is nothing officially announced, but developments are expected.

Finally, Apple announced a few days ago the new Social Media program, which answers to the name "Ping" and has many elements like Facebook and Twitter. The goal of the Ping is for people around the world to share the music they listen and choose. We will try it in action and tell you impressions ...