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Roger Waters in Greece in July

Read some time ago at the official site of Roger Waters that "The Wall" is coming to Greece in early July!
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Read some time ago at the official site of  Roger Waters that "The Wall" is coming to Greece in early July! Indeed, the concert will be filmed to be used in the DVD created by the tour of the great bassist  of Pink Floyd.

The concert in our country will change the dates of 2 appearances of Waters in Milan that were planned on July 6 and 7 and will be transferred on 3 and 4 of the same month. Logically, the concert in Greece will be close to  July 6 or 7.

So, incredible news for Greek music lovers! Those who were at the last appearance of Roger Waters at Terra Vibe in June 2006, can not forget the crystal clear sound and incredible performance of all the musicians on stage. It was an amazing three-hour set!

Roger Waters' tour begins on Saturday in Moscow and at present, will be completed in Greece. Read what is written on the official site of Roger Waters' concert in Greece:

Roger Waters management have announced that due to an opportunity to film The Wall in Greece in early July, it is necessary to reschedule two concerts in Milan originally planned for July 6th and 7th 2011.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience that the change of dates may cause.

Instructions for the rescheduled dates are:

Keep your existing tickets which are automatically valid for the new dates.

Tickets for the July 6th show are now valid for the July 3rd show.
Tickets for the July 7th show are now valid for the July 4th show.
Tickets will only be valid for these rescheduled dates as above, it will not be possible to exchange dates or seats.

If you are unable to attend your new date, then please apply for a refund at the point of purchase, not later than June 15th 2011.

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Pink Floyd's week

30/09/11 14:10