Anyone who thinks this is a guide to do something by following simple instructions, you might be right. Mostly i'm refering to the way we hear music, films and TV .
You haven't thought of it? Come on, there is always the moment when you wish you had "that" system to listen to music or the movie or my game and my series. The system can be from just two speakers to the monsters with 7.1 surround sound and speakers with your height and width (bigger).
The truth is that you don't need to spend 2.000€ to make your dreams a reality. On the other hand, i think two the speakers of your stereo could use improvement . The point is not to be misled into thinking that only the "brand" speakers will work. Ultimately it depends on your priorities and your pocket.
The truth is that there is a difference. Aesthetically it is striking and substantial. It changes the way you perceive the sound. Okay, this is not the revelation of the century, but for those involved with sound enjoyment, there is a difference. If the purpose is music playback (where quality is everything), the atmosphere created by the peripheral hearing is reminiscent of a concert . And the question is what is the goal.
If you prefer games (on a PC or console), then the atmosphere is important and the weight falls on the sound card and many small speakers and the proper placement. Cheaper but effective. The same system can complement the TV speakers for football or any other match.
If you want it all : good music quality and efficiency in the movies then 7.1 surround with speakers big (as wardrobes) will do and will empty your wallet and cards. Personally I am not a fan of: I want it all and I want now (or now that I found it now i'll eat it). Purchase first the Blu-ray (or PS3), understand what it is and how to use it, buy the appropriate television and then go for the giant speakers. Otherwise, with a fraction of the price you will find what you want. Anyway, just the installation (let alone use) will be enough trouble.
It's more reasonable, I think , to consider at what price range you got the player
(music, games or films) and
to a equivalent class (expensive, cheap, etc.) to go for the sound system speakers . Since you, the transition to surround worth it . Just ask first, or listen to someone who has something similar, to get an idea, then do market research. Now that it is a proven technology, it's time. What better than surround Eurovision ( Saaaakis, Saaaakis )? You may take it with you.
For the quiz :
For next time: Something that these days is easy: Which country has won most of the Eurovision contests? ( How could i not think the following song afterwards?)
AC\DC Highway to
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