Kings of Leon, Franz Ferdinand, Kraftwerk, Moby, Duffy, Kate Perry, Glasvegas, Editors, Horrors, etc.
Below you can read everything that Marc Huelsewede of Crunch Time Promotion wrote, the company that organizes each year the festival, on their preparation in cases of bad weather, during the Hurricane :
How to prepare a region:
• Chips for temporary demarcation of routes can be ordered, if necessary.
• Rubber mats for paths. Disadvantage: You have to have them purchased in advance and might be proved unnecessary (if the weather is good)
• Aluminum Plates for paths (cycling). Disadvantage : You must have them purchased in advance and might be proved unnecessary (if the weather is good)
Weather: Is there a distinction in types of rain?
• Yes. Rain and weather "Hurricane-Festival" (Hurricane-festival)
• Distinction is only during the rain. Strong rain is unpleasant but harmless, but 14 days of drizzle is harmful because the soil is wet.
Up to what stage of weather warning do you "act" and what do you do exactly ?
• We have an alert, which is an internal agreement between the organizers and authorities .
Are you using specific Meteorological Services? What kind?
• The National Meteorological Service (weather forecasting service for aircrafts)
How do you protect from the technical point of view the equipment from rain?
• Most of the equipment is waterproof (Generator, container etc.). The electronics (amplifiers, etc.) are protected under the scene.
Playing guitar in the rain is dangerous?
• Yes! Water with electricity is always dangerous.
• In the festival is not dangerous. The musicians are on stage which is tight and grounded.
• However, the gig may be interrupted by heavy storm / rain and electric generator might turn off.
How electricity, rain and moisture combine?
• Not at all. You'll have a short circuit.
Are there any special plans for the stage? Of what material?
• All parts of the stage consist of special material. The covers may consist of plastic (canvas) approximately 1mm thick reinforced fabric.
Is the festival insured against damage due to rainfall and / or cancellation of the concert?
• Yes and no. We are not insured for damage due to rainfall . Neither the cancellation of a concert. But it is in the case of other losses resulting to the interruption of the event, cancelation or postponment due to existing danger to the lives of viewers and / or participants.
• Rubber mats for paths. Disadvantage: You have to have them purchased in advance and might be proved unnecessary (if the weather is good)
• Aluminum Plates for paths (cycling). Disadvantage : You must have them purchased in advance and might be proved unnecessary (if the weather is good)
Weather: Is there a distinction in types of rain?
• Yes. Rain and weather "Hurricane-Festival" (Hurricane-festival)
• Distinction is only during the rain. Strong rain is unpleasant but harmless, but 14 days of drizzle is harmful because the soil is wet.
Up to what stage of weather warning do you "act" and what do you do exactly ?
Are you using specific Meteorological Services? What kind?
• The National Meteorological Service (weather forecasting service for aircrafts)
How do you protect from the technical point of view the equipment from rain?
• Most of the equipment is waterproof (Generator, container etc.). The electronics (amplifiers, etc.) are protected under the scene.
Playing guitar in the rain is dangerous?
• Yes! Water with electricity is always dangerous.
• In the festival is not dangerous. The musicians are on stage which is tight and grounded.
• However, the gig may be interrupted by heavy storm / rain and electric generator might turn off.
How electricity, rain and moisture combine?
• Not at all. You'll have a short circuit.
Are there any special plans for the stage? Of what material?
Is the festival insured against damage due to rainfall and / or cancellation of the concert?
• Yes and no. We are not insured for damage due to rainfall . Neither the cancellation of a concert. But it is in the case of other losses resulting to the interruption of the event, cancelation or postponment due to existing danger to the lives of viewers and / or participants.
More information on the Hurricane Festival , read here . Tomorrow, we continue the tribute with what the organizers of "Primavera Sound Festival" have to say about that and in a few days will turn to the Glastonbury Festival !!!
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