Archive are in Greece in these days for five shows in Heraklion, Larisa, Thesaloniki, Athens and Patra. Danny Griffiths speaked to Mix Grill (via telephone) about the new album, they are preparing, the possibility of cooperating with Craig Walker again and of course their concerts in Greece.
- Can you explain us the story about the 4 parts of Controlling Crowds? Could they be 4 different EPs?
The reason we did 4 parts was mainly because we just did a lot of music. We just wrote so much music that we decide to turn it to parts mainly because there is a lot to take in, in general. Parts 1,2,3 were very intense, so we decide to break in between them, more than to be one blend mix, no gaps at all. Because it was very intense and people would need a little break every now and then to listen to it. Then it was so much music, originally we thought it would be too much for one cd, so we decide to carry on and finish writing the 4th part. We had a couple of songs on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd part, so we wanted more space to get more involved on the 4th part. That’s why it has more songs. It’s a big subject.
- I think that the atmosphere of Controlling Crowds gives you the impression that this album can be a film soundtrack.
You‘re right. The way we looked at it, it felt like Controlling Crowds is like a soundtrack to a film we haven’t actually done. It should have a film too..
- What's the difference between a soundtrack and an album for you? I’m talking about the creation.
We’ve only done one soundtrack to a film and it is a very different way of working when you actually work to a film. You are not actually in control of what you‘re doing, you have to answer to directors, producers. That’s a very different way of writing. When you do a soundtrack, you actually peep to a film. It could be a bit of music which only lasts a minute and a half long, or something more epic. It’s an interesting way of writing, writing a soundtrack.
I like the idea of what we‘ve done with Controlling Crowds though, it sounds like a soundtrack. We would like to have it to the other way round. If a film is good for it. It is a very disciplined way to write soundtracks. We don’t usually answer to anyone when we write our music, apart from the band members. We don’t take any notice on record companies. When we write our stuff, we don’t have to explain our emotions, it’s just how we want it to be.
- Nowadays, you have a very interesting project with Pledge Music and you are about to release your new Live DVD with them. Tell us some things about this project?
As we come to the end of our day in between record deals, trying to work out, because money is hard to come now, for bands in general. Record sales aren’t as they used to be. Our fans wanted us to do a dvd for years and we‘ve never been able to do it. Then Pledge Music came to us (they involved with something else with the management company) and told us “You are in a perfect position, you have fans and they really want you to do a dvd, and you get the fans to actually pay for it”.
There is a lot of stuff that people can’t get, a lot of rarities, the parties, the happenings, hand lyric books and all the stuff they pledge for and for all of it they would pay the DVD. It was amazing. It was supposed to get out in 3 months but it took 5 days. Fans really want this DVD and we did as well, so it’s worth.
- Things in music move forward quickly. What's your opinion about the change in music with the Internet? Many bands decide to release their music only in digital format. Do you believe that Record Labels will be out of the game in a few years?
I think this is a strangely exciting time. All the bands, with all the downloads don’t make much money at sales. It makes it so open for music. I mean personally I still buy music on vinyl, so it’s not very good for me (laughs).You get to hear any bands very exciting with the internet and the way it works now. We are releasing Controlling Crowds throughout the whole world now digitally and it’s good for us and it’s interesting. Live music is so bigger and better than it hasn’t been for a long time. You get more people out, who can hear your music.
- Do you remember your first concert in Athens, at Fos Club in 2002? I was there and it was a great sold-out show for sure!
That was great. It was the first time we played and we didn’t know what to expect and it was amazing actually and that was a good start for us. It was an amazing show, the audience was incredible. The Greeks were some of our favourite fans they got crazy, more than the rest of Europe. Were you there then?
- I was there yes. There where many of my friends that didn’t manage to find tickets for your show.
That was great.
- In 2004 you released one of your best albums for me "Noise" and Craig Walker decided to leave the band a few months later. You know that Greek fans love your music and we also love Craig. Is there any possibility to see you together again in the future?
I don’t think in the near future. I’m very happy with the way we are, the collective of people is great. Never say never, but I can’t say it will happen in the near future. We are very content by where we are at the moment. Making music, studio, in the place we are. We are working with Darius, Dave, and Rosko. What we are going to do with them? (laughs) But you never know what is going to happen in the future
- Any plans for new music after the release of your LIVE DVD?
We are already working on a new album at the moment. I don’t know when it would be released. We still have Controlling Crowds, which hasn’t been out for that long. By next summer. We are working on it.
- What to expect from your 5 shows in Greece? I think this is the first time you have a tour in 5 cities in our country. Are you going to break the show into parts like you did with Controlling Crowds?
We want to try to create an epic concert. We want to cover all and it’s a lot of “Controlling Crowds” of course. We are going to make a good experience, a real journey from start to finish. That’s the idea. All the summer we’ve been playing in festivals for 1 hour. We played for one hour last night in Belgium, which was great. We plan to play in Greece 2 hours of music.
- That's great. Thank you very much for your time Danny!
Thanks mate. Will you come in our show in Athens?
- Yes, of course we will come.
- Can you explain us the story about the 4 parts of Controlling Crowds? Could they be 4 different EPs?
The reason we did 4 parts was mainly because we just did a lot of music. We just wrote so much music that we decide to turn it to parts mainly because there is a lot to take in, in general. Parts 1,2,3 were very intense, so we decide to break in between them, more than to be one blend mix, no gaps at all. Because it was very intense and people would need a little break every now and then to listen to it. Then it was so much music, originally we thought it would be too much for one cd, so we decide to carry on and finish writing the 4th part. We had a couple of songs on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd part, so we wanted more space to get more involved on the 4th part. That’s why it has more songs. It’s a big subject.
- I think that the atmosphere of Controlling Crowds gives you the impression that this album can be a film soundtrack.
You‘re right. The way we looked at it, it felt like Controlling Crowds is like a soundtrack to a film we haven’t actually done. It should have a film too..
- What's the difference between a soundtrack and an album for you? I’m talking about the creation.

I like the idea of what we‘ve done with Controlling Crowds though, it sounds like a soundtrack. We would like to have it to the other way round. If a film is good for it. It is a very disciplined way to write soundtracks. We don’t usually answer to anyone when we write our music, apart from the band members. We don’t take any notice on record companies. When we write our stuff, we don’t have to explain our emotions, it’s just how we want it to be.
- Nowadays, you have a very interesting project with Pledge Music and you are about to release your new Live DVD with them. Tell us some things about this project?
As we come to the end of our day in between record deals, trying to work out, because money is hard to come now, for bands in general. Record sales aren’t as they used to be. Our fans wanted us to do a dvd for years and we‘ve never been able to do it. Then Pledge Music came to us (they involved with something else with the management company) and told us “You are in a perfect position, you have fans and they really want you to do a dvd, and you get the fans to actually pay for it”.
There is a lot of stuff that people can’t get, a lot of rarities, the parties, the happenings, hand lyric books and all the stuff they pledge for and for all of it they would pay the DVD. It was amazing. It was supposed to get out in 3 months but it took 5 days. Fans really want this DVD and we did as well, so it’s worth.

I think this is a strangely exciting time. All the bands, with all the downloads don’t make much money at sales. It makes it so open for music. I mean personally I still buy music on vinyl, so it’s not very good for me (laughs).You get to hear any bands very exciting with the internet and the way it works now. We are releasing Controlling Crowds throughout the whole world now digitally and it’s good for us and it’s interesting. Live music is so bigger and better than it hasn’t been for a long time. You get more people out, who can hear your music.
- Do you remember your first concert in Athens, at Fos Club in 2002? I was there and it was a great sold-out show for sure!
That was great. It was the first time we played and we didn’t know what to expect and it was amazing actually and that was a good start for us. It was an amazing show, the audience was incredible. The Greeks were some of our favourite fans they got crazy, more than the rest of Europe. Were you there then?
- I was there yes. There where many of my friends that didn’t manage to find tickets for your show.
That was great.

I don’t think in the near future. I’m very happy with the way we are, the collective of people is great. Never say never, but I can’t say it will happen in the near future. We are very content by where we are at the moment. Making music, studio, in the place we are. We are working with Darius, Dave, and Rosko. What we are going to do with them? (laughs) But you never know what is going to happen in the future
- Any plans for new music after the release of your LIVE DVD?
We are already working on a new album at the moment. I don’t know when it would be released. We still have Controlling Crowds, which hasn’t been out for that long. By next summer. We are working on it.
- What to expect from your 5 shows in Greece? I think this is the first time you have a tour in 5 cities in our country. Are you going to break the show into parts like you did with Controlling Crowds?
We want to try to create an epic concert. We want to cover all and it’s a lot of “Controlling Crowds” of course. We are going to make a good experience, a real journey from start to finish. That’s the idea. All the summer we’ve been playing in festivals for 1 hour. We played for one hour last night in Belgium, which was great. We plan to play in Greece 2 hours of music.
- That's great. Thank you very much for your time Danny!
Thanks mate. Will you come in our show in Athens?
- Yes, of course we will come.
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