A few days ago, we talked on the phone with Sivert Høyem, Madrugada singer with such a special and warm voice. The warmth and simplicity of Sivert was apparent in our conversation. A very intimate and down to earth man...
The occasion of our communication was of course his upcoming appearances in Thessaloniki (Friday 22/10), Athens (23/10) and Patras (24/10). What we learned from this talk:
- We will hear some new songs in his concerts. The new album is expected in 2011.
- His new sound will not be pop, but relatively close to the sound of Madrugada.
- He will play 3-4 songs of Madrugada.
- He don't have plans to work with Frode (Madrugada) in the near future.
Let's read in detail everything we said. Below, you can hear the audio clip of our chat.
Mix Grill: Sivert, you are in Holland now, for your concert tomorrow, right?
Sivert Hoyem: Yes I have a day off today.
MG: I have read that you don’t like interviews… You are right! I don’t like them too… (lauphs). So let’s start this conversation in a different way. I am a fan of Madrugada and I also like your solo albums. Ask me anything you want.
SH : I’ll just ask you a question. How are things in Greece now? We are hearing that there is much trouble now.
MG: We are dealing with big problems in our economy. This economic crisis is affecting our life. Every month is changing and changing, to the worst. You know people here are happy most of the time, because of the weather probably. But during all these months, we are losing our smile.

MG: So, my turn now! You write in your site about your last album: “I wanted the title to tell people something about the ambition I have for this album, this being the first thing I have done since the band broke up.” So this is a new start for you… Can you tell us some things about your last album “Moon Landing”.
SH: It was recorded in a cottage in the mountains, in Norway. It was a couple of hours in the north of Oslo. It’s something I wanted to do for a long time. Just to go somewhere and be completely isolated and really submerge myself in the music. Just to get into that.
MG: What inspires you the most? The place where you record your new material or your every day life? Maybe, the events that affect your every day life.
SH: It’s different things. I guess most of my inspiration for music comes from other music. It’s really important to make music that really interests you. Last night we were sitting after the show and were watching from youtube videos, from the same place that we had just played and it was fantastic. It was an amazing show. Those sorts of things can be inspiring. I’m not listening to a lot of music all the time. Once I get into a thing, that’s all I’m listening to, for a long time. I don’t consume to a lot of albums. When I do one thing I get completely lost to that.
MG: “Moon Landing” was one of my favorite songs in 2009 and I am still listening to it a lot. I think it’s a very optimistic song. Are you trying to cast out with this song the last two years, which were very difficult?
SH: That’s probably correct. That’s what I wanted it to be. It’s optimistic but at the same time it’s optimistic against the time when I wrote that song. All this music comes from a pretty dark period and with some of these songs I was trying to cheer myself up.
MG: How do you imagine your sound in the future? Close to “Moon Landing” or “Shadows High Meseta”, which reminds me of Madrugada?
SH: I think probably I’m having a new direction. I’m going to play a couple of new songs when I come to Greece. It is a kind of darker, of monumental music. Probably more towards “Shadows High Meseta”. Except that it’s not going to be pop, it’s more dark and atmospheric. People will probably think that it sounds a little bit like Madrugada.

MG: So you are preparing some new songs this period. Are you preparing a new album?
SH: Yes. I have recorded some songs. And I’m going to play a couple of them in Greece.
MG: Are we going to hear the new album after “Moon Landing” this year?
SH: I think probably some time next year, I‘ll have the new album out.
MG: With Internet in music, I think that most of the musicians are doing more concerts than before. How do you feel about this change?
SH: I think it’s a good thing. I love going to live concerts and also love touring myself. I think that’s the most honest way to enjoy music. Rock concerts for me, can be extremely inspiring. They really give me so many new ideas. I like seeing what other musicians are doing. I’m studying their tricks and it has a lot of fun.
Politics and lyrics
MG: I have read in one of your interviews that “In Norway, you can't really say anything about politics without having a degree or actually being a politician.” In Greece now the majority of people are talking about politics, because our life is changing every month. Do you believe that musicians should try to express our feelings about this subject?
SH: I think this is probably about what people care about. And politics, absolutely. The stuff you’re going through now is very real. I guess the musicians should comment on that too. I’m not a political writer, but I’m a romantic.
Madrugada Songs
MG: I know, I’ve seen your lyrics and I know you pay much attention to your lyrics. If I’m not wrong, you play only “Majesty” and “The Kids Are on High Street” from the old songs of Madrugada in your recent shows. I have seen “Honey Bee” too.
SH: I’ve been playing some more. I’m trying to play the Madrugada songs that I wrote from scratch. I feel them like my songs. And there is quite a few of them. I’ve been playing also “What’s on your mind”, “Honey Bee” and some more. We are going to play some of Madrugada songs when we come to Greece now. We have 3 or 4 songs, but I’m not going to tell you which they are.
Concerts in Greece

SH: I remember every time we come to Greece has been fantastic from the first shows in 2000. I can’t really say that I have a special. In 2005 it was very special. I love coming to Greece.
MG: When Greek fans get in love with a musician, they show it.
SH: Yes.
MG: Finally, let’s go to a classic question. Can you tell your fans in Greece what to expect from your shows in our country?
SH: I guess some of the fans who have got to some of my shows as a solo artist or with Madrugada, will see that the show changes from time to time. I guess we are more rock fans. I’m very happy with the set we are playing now. The songs we are playing. The way the band sounds. We are doing songs from all the solo albums, from Madrugada classics, we are going to play some new songs. I think the Greeks will love the new songs.
Cooperation with Frode?
MG: Are you going to cooperate again with Frode?
SH: I don’t think so. There are no plans for that.
MG: Sivert thank you very much for your time. It was a pleasure talking with you. See you in Athens and in Greece in general.
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