Dimitris Antonopoulos: Hello James.
James Johnston: Hi there.
DA: Hello. How are you?
JJ: I am not too bad, I am coming there in a couple of days.
DA: How do you feel about your concert in Athens in a few days?
JJ: I'm just really looking forward to. We haven't played in Athens for a couple of years at least. You know, we’ve come many times and always really enjoy and looking forward to. Yeah can't wait.
DA: Do you work on a new album following the amazing “The Rotten Mile”?
JJ: That’s one of my favorite records we've done actually. We‘re going to record a new record in February or March next year, record it in Germany. Can’t wait. It’s really, really nice to come back again and play completely again.
DA: Speaking of different groups, how was it really working with Nick Cave? Any memories?
JJ: Yes, we have some memories. Our first was in 1994. We did an American tour and then ended up joining the band in 2002 or 2003. I join the band (Bad Seeds) for 5 years and made a really good record. It was really funny when I met him, because my brother has written a book about Nick Cave and I've got to know Cave from him. We are more just friends really. It was quite easy to make a first tour with them in 1992. I played the guitar then. We've played forty gigs in that tour, a terrific tour. We had only one rehearsal for it. There are no specific memories just lots of funny ones.
DA: What is your view on music in the UK today, James?
JJ: I wouldn't really know. I don't really follow it. There are definitely good bands, I like. The record by Gray Cooper. I can't get in some gigs. There are some good bands. I don't meet the British music. I have no idea.
DA: Any moment to remember from James? A good rock n roll story from the life of Gallon ?
JJ: It has been chaos for 20 years, I can’t really pick one that is less disastrous or stunning or thrilling than another. When on tour with Martyn we played many unusual things at the Hollywood Bowl and that was a bizarre thing to do. That was awful. I fainted it and the record company turned off the gig. Nothing to do with the lack of quality or enthusiasm for all needs, but maybe lack of taste.
DA: Alright James,thank you very much for your time. See you in Athens.
JJ: There will bemaximum noise. Bring a friend, get out of that and really enjoy it.
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