Follakzoid: It’s been written, the main description is at sacredbones.com
D.A.: Is there a Krautrock scene really?
F: You gotta come to Chile and check it out, there's some pretty strange things going on.
D.A.: Let’s talk about your wonderful second album 'II'. It’s a great record...
F: Thank you!
D.A.: Your influences? CAN maybe..? You do know about 'The Lost Tapes' of course from the last year...
F: Just found that record the other day in sacred bones office. Haven't heard it though.
D.A.: And your name ('Follakzoid') comes from?
F: It’s pronounced foy-ack-zoid, it sounds pretty similar to the word "lighter" in german.
D.A.: Here’s my classic question. Let’s have a trip with a time machine for the next 24 hours. Where and why would you really wanna go for a whole day? Past or future?
F: I think we are travelling in a time machine, and we like where we are right now! Just ended our USA tour and we are headin Europe in the second half of 2013.
D.A.: Tell me a few words about 'Pulsar', such a lovely song...
F: It’s hard to describe with words. There’s no lyrics. I think it has to do with coming back and going forward at the same time.