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9.549 pounds by Radiohead for charity

As he had reported in previous article , Ed O 'Brien of Radiohead auctioned the Fender Telecaster guitar for charity, signed by all band members and with a personal dedication.
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As he had reported in previous article , Ed O 'Brien of Radiohead auctioned the Fender Telecaster guitar for charity, signed by all band members and with a personal dedication.

The process of the sale was completed today November 13 in E-bay, reaching a maximum bid of 9,549 pounds (about 11,144 euros). The entire amount will go to The Joseph Foote Trust for brain cancer.

Also, the product information, made the clarification, that Ed can not be sent along with his guitar .... maybe if that hapenned they would have had more than 72 offers.

Q: hi! will Ed be shipped with the guitar? ;-)
A: Sorry, Ed himself is not included in the auction.

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