As you have read in the last few days, BBC is soon going to take down one of the best radio stations in the world, BBC 6 or otherwise 6music, which has a long history in supporting the Indie, Pop, Rock music.
As 6music writes in its site, 6music " brings together the cutting edge music of today, the iconic and groundbreaking music of the past 40 years and unlimited access to the BBC's wonderful music archive . "Above all, BBC 6 selects non-commercial sounds and tries to promote worthy music.
John Robb, one of the legendary music journalists and more, sent to Dimitri Antonopoulos for Mix Grill the following statement on closing BBC 6:
"In the on going war to edit modern culture the BBC announced that the
alternative station 6music is to be cut to howls of protest. The public
funded BBC is in a cost cutting mood and the vunrable alternative
station very much in the spirit of john peel is the first to go in a
deeply unpopular move."
David Bowie on his site wrote the following about this:
“6music keeps the spirit of broadcasters like John Peel alive and for new artists to lose this station would be a great shame.”
Ed O 'Brien of Radiohead wrote the following on the same subject:
"It literally is the radio lifeblood for music outside of the mainstream. Not to denigrate Radio's 1 and 2, but it really is the only station that puts music first, and that's from a punters point of view and not some bloke in a band ... What you have with 6 Music is a gem of a radio station, it is doing what no other station in the world does or can possibly do."We can do something about this development. Not that anything crazy will change, however, but you never know ... Enter here and then vote for the rescue of BBC 6.