Camouflage - such a great electronic band from Germany - are coming for the first time in Greece on the 12nd of June, in Anorak Festival (Kavala). The German trio has released 7 albums from 1983 and of course their great hit is "The Great Commandment".
We speaked with Heiko Maile about Camouflage and many other things regarding electronic music etc:
- This is your first time in Greece. What will we expect from you in Anorak Festival 2010?
We have a lot Songs prepared to play live , so we decide quite shortly before the concert what we gonna play. Of course we will play a lot of well known songs ;-)
- 80s, 90s or 00s?
You probably can call it a "Best of Camouflage" program - a selection through the last 25 years.
- With
whom would you like to play together in a concert?
Difficult question - simple answer: I would like to play with Oliver Kreyssig and Marcus Meyn ;-) To be honest - this concert will be the first gig since more than a year - so we are really looking forward to come together and have a great time in Greece. Another friend is joining us - Volker Hinkel - on guitars.
- Which of your albums is your favourite and why?
I think it's more a about songs. Everyone of us has his own favorite songs of Camouflage. But we don't listen very often to our own records. From time to time - yes! Sometimes you even forget some of own compositions, which can be a really surprising moment. "Hey, that sounds great!" In most cases I enjoy the more unknown tracks more than our Hits. It's great to perform ,let's say "the Great Commandment", but after listening to that song for one million times it isn't the right music for getting up in the morning!
- If you could return to the past, would you change anything in Camouflage?
Of course - we did a lot of mistakes!!! But I'm sure we would find some new mistakes to do. It's more about our overall attitude - we are just doing things we want to do - sometimes this doesn't fit with the taste of our fans or the common taste.
- Nowadays, albums are sort of replaced by EPs or singles or mini albums. I think that you see it more in electronic bands. Do you believe that albums will not exist in a few years?
We don't like this evolution, but it is getting more and more difficult to get enough time and money to work on a full album. We are discussing about these new circumstances, but we're don't know how this will affect our future releases.
- Do you
listen to any new electronic bands or musicians? What is your opinion
regarding electronic scene nowadays?
Of course we listen to electronic bands - from the old days and new artists. All the three of us have quite different musical favorites, but we all don't like listen to most of the "Synth Pop" bands. We like to listen to almost everything - ambient music, rock, classical music, jazz and al kind of electronic music. If there is a bond between all these styles, it is probably the enjoyment of a good composition and great musical performances.
- Can you tell us a reason for having so good electronic scene in Germany?
I really don't know. Maybe it's because of some great electronic pioneers like Kraftwerk or some strongly influencing bands from the 70's? Another reason could be the global interests for technology ...
- What are you up to this period? A new album, single or something else?
For the band we don't have any serious plans at moment. Of course we are writing on new songs and we are discussing about new ideas, but we don't know when we are going to record these ideas. On beside of that, all of us have their jobs. I'm composing music for movies and my current project is a vampire movie, playing in Berlin.
- Thank you for your time Heiko! See you in Kavala!
We speaked with Heiko Maile about Camouflage and many other things regarding electronic music etc:
- This is your first time in Greece. What will we expect from you in Anorak Festival 2010?
We have a lot Songs prepared to play live , so we decide quite shortly before the concert what we gonna play. Of course we will play a lot of well known songs ;-)
- 80s, 90s or 00s?
You probably can call it a "Best of Camouflage" program - a selection through the last 25 years.

Difficult question - simple answer: I would like to play with Oliver Kreyssig and Marcus Meyn ;-) To be honest - this concert will be the first gig since more than a year - so we are really looking forward to come together and have a great time in Greece. Another friend is joining us - Volker Hinkel - on guitars.
- Which of your albums is your favourite and why?
I think it's more a about songs. Everyone of us has his own favorite songs of Camouflage. But we don't listen very often to our own records. From time to time - yes! Sometimes you even forget some of own compositions, which can be a really surprising moment. "Hey, that sounds great!" In most cases I enjoy the more unknown tracks more than our Hits. It's great to perform ,let's say "the Great Commandment", but after listening to that song for one million times it isn't the right music for getting up in the morning!
- If you could return to the past, would you change anything in Camouflage?
Of course - we did a lot of mistakes!!! But I'm sure we would find some new mistakes to do. It's more about our overall attitude - we are just doing things we want to do - sometimes this doesn't fit with the taste of our fans or the common taste.
- Nowadays, albums are sort of replaced by EPs or singles or mini albums. I think that you see it more in electronic bands. Do you believe that albums will not exist in a few years?
We don't like this evolution, but it is getting more and more difficult to get enough time and money to work on a full album. We are discussing about these new circumstances, but we're don't know how this will affect our future releases.

Of course we listen to electronic bands - from the old days and new artists. All the three of us have quite different musical favorites, but we all don't like listen to most of the "Synth Pop" bands. We like to listen to almost everything - ambient music, rock, classical music, jazz and al kind of electronic music. If there is a bond between all these styles, it is probably the enjoyment of a good composition and great musical performances.
- Can you tell us a reason for having so good electronic scene in Germany?
I really don't know. Maybe it's because of some great electronic pioneers like Kraftwerk or some strongly influencing bands from the 70's? Another reason could be the global interests for technology ...
- What are you up to this period? A new album, single or something else?
For the band we don't have any serious plans at moment. Of course we are writing on new songs and we are discussing about new ideas, but we don't know when we are going to record these ideas. On beside of that, all of us have their jobs. I'm composing music for movies and my current project is a vampire movie, playing in Berlin.
- Thank you for your time Heiko! See you in Kavala!