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Listen to two new songs by Smith&Burrows and Jack&White

They could fit in the category of indie rock or dream pop, but usually because these categories are there to confuse us, I would say simply that they belong...
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Listen to two brand new songs from Smith & Burrows and Jack & White. Both songs happen to belong to duets. They could fit in the category of indie rock or dream pop, but usually because these categories are there to confuse us, I would say simply that they belong in that category that if you hear it in the morning it'll give you a smile for the rest of the day .

The first band consists of frontman of Editors, Tom Smith and former drummer of Razorlight and frontman of and I am arrows, Andy Burrows. Called Funny looking angels .

The song that follows belongs to Jack and White from Los Angeles who released their first EP Gemini on August 23 . Listen to Double Trouble:

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