Sinead O’Connor: Ξέσπασμα οργής μετά την απόπειρα αυτοκτονίας της

Αποκαλεί την οικογένειά της υποκριτές με νέο μήνυμα στο facebook.
Διαβάστηκε φορες
Η Sinead O’Connor αποπειράθηκε να βάλει τέλος στη ζωή της την Κυριακή 30 Νοεμβρίου σ' ένα ξενοδοχείο του Δουβλίνου όπου διέμενε χρησιμοποιώντας ψευδώνυμο.

Η διάσημη τραγουδίστρια χρησιμοποίησε τον λογαριασμό της στο facebook για να το ανακοινώσει στους φίλους και στους θαυμαστές της.

"Οι τελευταίες δύο νύχτες με αποτελείωσαν. Έχω πάρει υπερβολική δόση. Δεν υπάρχει άλλος τρόπος για να κερδίσω το σεβασμό. Δεν είμαι στο σπίτι μου, είμαι σε ένα ξενοδοχείο κάπου στην Ιρλανδία, με άλλο όνομα. Αν δεν έκανα αυτή την ανάρτηση, τα παιδιά μου και η οικογένειά μου δεν θα το μάθαιναν. Θα μπορούσα να ήμουν νεκρή εδώ για εβδομάδες και κανείς να μην το μάθει. Είμαι τόσο φρικτή μητέρα και άτομο, που έχω μείνει μόνη μου"

 Το μήνυμα στον "τοίχο" της στο Facebook προκάλεσε πανικό κι έπειτα από την κινητοποίηση της αστυνομίας, η Sinead O'Connor μεταφέρθηκε σε νοσοκομείο.

Πριν λίγες ώρες με νέο μήνυμά της, η Sinead O’Connor εκφράζει την οργή προς την οικογένειά της και δηλώνει πως κόβει τους δεσμούς μαζί τους αποκαλώντας τους όλους υποκριτές. Σύμφωνα με τα όσα γράφει, ενώ την επισκέφθηκαν όλοι στο νοσοκομείο τώρα δεν απαντούν στις κλήσεις της. Μάλιστα απευθύνεται στα δυο παιδιά της, Jake και Roisin, τον Donal Lunny (πατέρας του Shane) αλλά δεν τη γλιτώνει ούτε ο "Frank" (μάλλον αναφέρεται στον  Frank Bonadio, τον πατέρα του γιου της Yeshua).

"Jake, Roisin, Jr., frank, Donal, Eimear, I never wanna see you again. You stole my sons from me. Then you had hypocrisy to come to hospital and then not be here when I wake and not pick up phone? I'm shit to you. You're dead to me. You killed your mother. You stole my sons. You left me alone for twelve weeks! Why did I have to hear it was your hypocritical asses here while I was unconscious?? And now you're Gone and not picking up phone? You are child stealing murderers, I never want to see or hear from any of you again. Why were you here when you're the ones who put me here???? And where the fuck are you now??? Murderers. Liars. Hypocrites. All of you. You caused this."

Δείτε παρακάτω το μήνυμα της 29ης Νοεμβρίου που έχει "καρφιτσώσει" στον τοίχο της:

"There is only so much any woman can be expected to bear. What was done to me this week was appalling cruelty. By my husband, my family, by St Pats and by An Gardai Siochana, by my son, Jake and by Donal Lunny and Angela singleton, by my son's girlfriend, his friends... after everything I've been put through and been forced to go through alone .. And punished for having to go through since I had the surgery on August 26th. Or since Shane became unwell in March, This week has broken me. The withholding of my babies from me without any sound reason by their fathers, Frank and Donal, and by Jake and the rest of my family, is a horrific set of betrayals. And has been going on since I had my surgery. The last two nights finished me off. I have taken an overdose. There is no other way to get respect. I am not at home, I'm at a hotel, somewhere in ireland, under another name
If I wasn't posting this, my kids and family wouldn't even find out. Was dead for another fortnight since none of them bother their hole with me for a minute. I could have been dead here for weeks already and they'd never have known. Because apparently I'm scum and deserve to be abandoned and treated like shit just when I've had my womb and ovaries chopped out and my child is frighteningly sick. I'm such a rotten horrible mother and Person, that I've been alone. Howling crying for weeks. And been told by them all t go fuck myself. I'm invisible. I don't matter a shred to anyone. No one has come near me. I've died a million times already with the pain of it. So yeah.. Strangers like me.. But my family don't value me at all. They wouldn't know if I was dead until weeks from now if I wasn't fucking informing them now.
well done guys, you've finally got rid of me. Sorry the penny didn't drop sooner. I'm an idiot. When you planned to get me away from my babies did you plan for me losing my mind over it? It being the final straw? For how you're gonna explain why I died? Make sure you tell the truth. BARRY.. THEY WONT. YOURE THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS ME OR THE TRUTH. PLEASE STAND FOR ME AND TELL IT. i can't play twister. My children don't care if I live r die anyway. Neither do their dads. Everyone is better off. Never ever do this to a woman again. Let this be your lesson. I survived it when John waters did it.. I can't survive Jake doing it."

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