First time I heard the A mountain of one (AMO1) a few months ago, when Anna Anastasiou (Best 92.6, everyday 10:00-12:00) played their song Innocent Line .
After a little searching I then noticed that this is actually a new band without a whole album yet, only one EP, but what I heard from their page in myspace was very interesting.
As the old habits die hard and I could not find the material directly, I then ended in "copying" their music with a recorder (digital of course) from the page at Myspace (, http://amountainofone.oki-ni. com / )
So the days have rolled, the time passed, and I was glad I listened to the low quality on line recording and I was cool, until a couple weeks ago Papaspyropoulos Demetrios (Best 92.6 daily 12:00-14:00) played a song that, although it reminded me of something, I had not heard. Before I managed to contact him and ask what was it, he said on air that it was Ride from the Collected Works the first album of A mountain of one. Finally!
Something in their sound reminded me of a summer, several years ago, when I was discovering the melodies and sounds of Pink Floyd. To avoid any misunderstanding, I do not, in any way, compare the two. Just seems to me that Floyd have exercised profound influence on AMO1.
Their music is very atmospheric approaching the limits of dark sometimes, while other times the intensity rises with strongly rhythmic sections that make a strong internal energy. The final result is dominated by acoustic guitars (acoustic and electric), bass and piano, as in their and songs male and female vocals, are associated, without excluding a strong electronic element sometimes.
I was strongly impressed by the volume and production capacity. Sound clean, full and strong without tiring excesses.
The Collected works is in my view one of this year's best music! A truly integrated work which culminates literally in Ride, Innocent Line, Warping the clock, Freefall and Our eyes .
Please note here that virtually AMO1 opened the second day of the Synch festival , which show I lost. Typical. I hope to see them some time and in an appearance on their own. Not anything else ... to see them, since I missed them!
Track list:
Warping the clock
Can't be serious
Innocent line
Innocent reprise
Your love over gold
People without love
Arc of Abraham
Here goes nothing
Brown piano
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